I finally found this obscure spot for general comments. Some excerpts from Bendell, Jem. Breaking Together: A freedom-loving response to collapse , which I will be nominating:

The statement that we must have hope is widely heard in modern societies—and widely accepted as a good thing. That is not a view shared by many ancient wisdom traditions, such as Buddhism, which regard hope as a thought pattern that takes us away from meeting reality as we find it.

One effect of realizing the predicament of modern societies is that people with a Western upbringing begin to sense how the dominant culture is actually ‘omnicidal’—leading to the mass extinction of life on Earth and threatening the survival of our own species.

Continued destruction and pollution is a really bad idea. But our monetary system demands of us exactly that.

Some economists dismiss the impact of climate on agriculture, because it is a small part of the economy, thereby ignoring where people will get their food from. One Nobel economics prize winner estimated that even four degrees of average warming above pre-industrial levels would be fine for humanity.

Only if there is war, or the threat of war, will a government be able to justify military spending.

We do not actually know what unmanipulated and uncoerced humans might do about our planetary predicament, but now would be a good time find out.

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I think this month's book, Fire is absolutely superb and I am devastated that I probably won't be able to join next week. I am going on a dance retreat and Thursday is the first night when everyone gets to know each other. I want to try and sneak out and connect if I can. I really want to meet the author. What an. incredible piece of writing! What did other's think.

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I will not be nominating Breaking Together. He gets too many things wrong later in the book.

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